David Weir

David is one of the top academics in Britain. He has been Director of the Management and Business Schools at the Universities of Glasgow, Bradford, Northumbria (from which he is an Emeritus), University Campus Suffolk and Liverpool Hope. He has held Chairs at several other Universities including CERAM (now SKEMA) in France and as Visiting Professor or Affiliate Professor at the Universities of Lancaster, Lincoln, West of England, ESC Rennes, York St. John and has taught at many other senior business schools and Universities, worldwide.

He has worked with many international institutions including University of Botswana, University of Mauritius, ISCAE (Morocco), National Graduate University (Libya), ESAN (Peru) and the African Association of University Vice Chancellors, UNESCO, UNIDO, the World Bank, EURECNA, The Government of the Netherlands and the Islamic Development Bank. He has supervised more than sixty PhD theses on aspects of international management.

He is active in research and scholarly publication and has published extensively on management in the Arab world and expatriate managers and most recently co-authored The New Post-oil Arab Gulf: Managing People and Wealth published by Al-Saqi and From Critique to Action: The Practical Ethics of the Organizational World (New Insights) published by Cambridge Scholars. He was the first elected Chair of the Association of Business Schools and has been a Chair and member of committees of the Economic and Social Research Council and the Science and Engineering Research Council and of the Council for National Academic Awards (CNAA). David has also presented and led tracks at the Academy of Management, the European Academy of Management, the European Group for Organisational Studies, the British Academy of Management. He chairs the Editorial Advisory Board of Cambridge Scholars and has been a strategic advisor to Emerald publishers for many years.

He is a Foundation Fellow of the Leadership Trust, a Burgess (Freeman) of the City of Glasgow, a member of the advisory board of BRAIS (British Association of Islamic Scholars) and a Companion of the Chartered Institute of Management.

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